The first public event of the steering group for a “Berliner Tanzvermittlungszentrum” in the Wasserwerk in Berlin-Kreuzberg took place on 28 September 2021.
In cooperation with Wasserwerk and the Refugee Church, the team around the steering group offered some insights into their work. They gave a rundown on the recent activities of the group, including a description of the project “Mobiler Tanzsaal” and the artists involved in it, and outlined the current state of work on the project.
After a welcome by Nora Amin and Janne Gregor, a number of short contributions were made: Elena Basteri gave an overview of the stocktaking within the conception phase, Elisa Ricci and Sven Seeger reported on the project “Mobiler Tanzsaal”, Amelie Mallmann provided input on the field of dance education and outreach work with children and young people, and Laura Werres reported on the field of dance education and audience engagement within the network “Berlin Mondiale”.
Afterwards, the participants exchanged ideas in different working groups and reflected collectively on the state of dance education in Berlin with a focus on a critical understanding of diversity. They discussed participatory dance work in the context of urban practice and interdisciplinary dance practice in areas on the edge of the city, and talked about the issues of centre and periphery, as well as dance practice and decolonization in the context of festivals and artistic platforms.
Finally, the attendees celebrated the end of the summer through dance and music.

Concept, coordination and moderation: Nora Amin
Co-moderation: Janne Gregor
Contributions: Elena Basteri, Amelie Mallmann, Elisa Ricci, Sven Seeger, Laura Werres
Moderation working groups: Nora Amin, Felix Dompreh, Martina Kessel, Gabriele Reuter
Technical support: Dennis Dieter Kopp, Kanishka Sarkar
Graphic recording: Daniel Freymüller
Video documentation: Hannes Schulze
Translation: Waael Fares (AR), Lucia Rossi (EN, RUS), Undine Schäfer, Oya Ataman (DGS)