How are you, Tanzvermittlung?
Come together to share thoughts, fears and resources.
When: Thursday, 20/02/2025, 10 am – 11:30 am
Where: Online via Zoom
Registration: at
The times are extremely tough, we all know that. Starting in March 2025, Access Point Tanz will no longer exist because our funding has been cut. We want to meet informally and peer-to-peer to talk about how we, as players in the field of Tanzvermittlung, are managing in this moment. What our options and resources are at this point, how we can find and share strength to think about the future.
Exploring possible ways and places to continue connecting and supporting each other, knowing that none of us will disappear, but all of us might recalibrate and reorganize to face what’s ahead.
You are all invited online on Thursday, February 20, from 10 am to 11:30 am.
Moderation: Elena Basteri & Gabriele Reuter