Workshop: Dismantling Barriers for a Better Work Culture in Dance Making & “Tanzvermittlung”

12 – 18h
Studio 16, Uferstudios*


What is in the way to access dance and how can these obstacles be dismantled? Research with us in a workshop in 3 parts that addresses different barriers in the field of dance and “Tanzvermittlung” in Berlin.


Work Cultures & Class (AG Work Culture)

Olympia, Rike and Enrico from AG Work Culture will kick off the day sharing the results of the AG Work Cultures’s two year process that resulted in the publishing of a set of guidelines: “How to (Make) Dance in Berlin”. This will serve as a starting point to discuss class barriers to access the independent dance scene – and to reflect how this impacts the field of “Tanzvermittlung”.


Have a good rest! (Angela Alves)

Crip folk often know very well what they need to do to level their pain, but there is not enough space, validation and recognition for these practices in dance and society. This workshop centers resting as a crip technique and discusses it as a transformative practice of justice and liberation.


Decolonial & Intersectional Perspectives (Kathy-Ann Tan)

This workshop will take a participatory and collaborative approach, asking participants to delve into what they envision as good working conditions and sustainable forms of remuneration, distribution of resources and structural support. What does it mean to center decolonial and intersectional forms of theory and practice in the arts and cultures, particularly in a context of dance, live art and “Tanzvermittlung”? How can accessibility and disability justice in the arts be more than simply an “add-on”, and instead a committed approach, methodology and practice?


The workshop is held in English. Free of charge. Lunch included. Reserve your spot here:


Access Information

The Heizhaus is accessible via two ramps. The first ramp is 6.60 m long and has an incline of 5.2%, the second ramp is 6.80 m long with a 6% incline. To enter Studio 16, a 15 cm high step must be passed. If required, a mobile ramp is available here, which should be operated with an assistant. Seating is customized. We offer beanbags, mattresses and cushions. There are two barrier-free WCs with showers (measuring 2.6 m x 2.1 m) on the premises, which can be accessed without steps. There is no guidance system for the blind. Participants are asked to test for covid before coming. Stimmtoys and earplugs will be provided. Studio 16 will be available throughout the workshop as a chill out space.


*DIRECTIONS: Uferstudios GmbH, Studio 16. Entrance via Badstr. 41a, 13357 Berlin or via Uferstr. 23, 13357 Berlin. → Studio 16 is located directly next to the Café “The Source”.


The workshop is a collaboration of Access Point Tanz and ZTB e.V. represented by AG Work Culture and is funded by Berliner Senatsverwaltung für Kultur und Gesellschaftlichen Zusammenhalt.
AG Work Culture is represented by Olympia Bukkakis, Enrico L’Abbate, Beatrix Joyce & Rike Flämig.