Pilot Phase
Pilotphase / Access Point Tanz (2022-2025)
During the pilot phase “Access Point Tanz” in 2022–2025, the visions of the conception phase are to be put directly into practice through a clear programme of activities that create synergies, connect centre and periphery in every way, reveal the gaps on the map of dance education, and foster underrepresented forms of dance.
One of the findings of the conception phase was the need to find alternatives to the term “Tanzvermittlungszentrum”.
The pilot phase is called “Access Point Tanz”.
“Access Point Tanz,” sees itself as a decentrally organised structure that promotes equality and diversity, pools knowledge and resources, strengthens the periphery, expands networks, and creates synergies between institutional and individual education and outreach work. An organisation that opposes all forms of discrimination and promotes critical discussion on issues related to diversity and inclusion while challenging and altering existing hierarchies. It not only keeps an eye on hierarchies between diverse dance genres, but also deconstructs and rethinks organisational power relations on a structural level. In other words, an organisation that is inclusive – and, as far as possible, leaves no one behind. A centre that celebrates what we have in common.
All the discussions, research, workshops and labs of the conception phase resulted in a concept paper that defines the further steps of the pilot phase. The concept paper can be read and downloaded here.
Pilotphase / Access Point Tanz 2023
In 2023 and 2024, Access Point Tanz carried out a number of pilot activities under the coordination of Elena Basteri to promote the visibility, networking and accessibility of dance mediation in Berlin.
In 2023, Elena Basteri and Johanna Withelm worked together on a digital mapping of Berlin locations with dance offerings (dance schools, associations, neighborhood and family centers, theaters and dance venues, clubs). The aim of the mapping is to visualize the size, range and diversity of the various offers in the city in terms of dance styles, districts, locations and organizations.
Based on the results of the conceptual phase, Nora Amin conducted a series of interviews with actors and institutions involved in dance mediation in order to enter into a further exchange of ideas and prepare the consolidation of future partnerships.
Together with AG Work Culture (a working group of ZTB – Zeitgenössischer Tanz Berlin e.V.), Access Point Tanz organized the workshop “Dismantling Barriers for a better Work Culture in Dance Mediation”.
At the end of 2023, a large network meeting of dance mediation professionals also took place to facilitate exchange and initiate a common work culture and synergies among the community.
In 2024, the focus of activities was on workshops, cooperation with network partners and the expansion of existing synergies.
Together with Future Move e.V. and in cooperation with the Inter-University Centre for Dance (HZT Berlin), we organized the workshop “Dance mediation as a career perspective” at the HZT in Berlin-Wedding.
At the experimental venue “Bei Wilhelm” in Berlin-Spandau, we organized the exchange and network meeting „Dance in social spaces – practices, effects and perspectives” in cooperation with Berlin Mondiale gUG, Urbane Praxis e.V., Sasha Waltz & Guests Education & Community and Sozial-kulturelle Netzwerke casa e.V., which was conceptualized and moderated by Gabriele Reuter.
Together with Offensive Tanz and TanzZeit e.V. and with the support of Gesellschaft im Wandel uG, we also organized and hosted the workshop “Opening to different perspectives on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict: A discussion format for dance mediation professionals offering multiple viewpoints on the conflict in the Middle East” and at Podewil in Berlin-Mitte.
In February 2025, we concluded our activities with a final informal peer-to-peer exchange meeting under the motto “How are you, Tanzvermittlung?” and created a space to share thoughts, fears and resources and to explore possible ways in which we can continue to network and support each other.
Documentation Pilot Year 2023-2024
Report on the exchange & conversations* with potential partners and peers for Access Point Tanz (APT)
Dismantling Barriers for a Better Work Culture In dance making & Tanzvermittlung
Network meeting dance mediation – #1 Access Check
Workshop: Dance mediation as a career perspective
Network and exchange meeting: Dance in social spaces – practices, effects and perspectives